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Planning for Summer 2021

Summer 2021 will soon be upon us, hopefully bringing with it the promise of a return to something that resembles a more ‘normal’ summer. With COVID having interrupted many of last year’s plans, summer 2021 is more than ever, an exciting time for children to focus on personal development and create fun memories - whether it’s participating in expeditions, enhancing leadership and developing research skills or learning a language to develop a global outlook.

Whilst few summer course providers have committed to in-person camps, most have significantly increased their online options, offering unparalleled access to programmes. Online summer courses remove some of the barriers of attending an international summer school in person, such as the travel arrangements and visa applications and not least a significant reduction in prices!

The benefits of summer courses are enormous, it helps students build confidence, development language skills and make long-lasting friendships. Here you can access our previous article on the benefits of attending a summer school.

For help finding the perfect summer camp for your child, contact Carfax Education consultant on +971 4 438 5276 or at

There are a wide range of online summer courses available for every age group.

Undergraduate students can explore university-level modules offered by many of the most prestigious global HE institutions over the summer. With a suitable academic background, students can use this time to take advantage of quality teaching from another university, giving them extra insight into their own discipline or using it to explore something completely different. If you are thinking of applying for a Master’s programme then this is an ideal opportunity to develop an insight into a particular area of interest to make your application that much more competitive.

High schoolers can use this opportunity to participate in academic summer courses that will help prepare them for their future studies by having a ‘taste’ of what it would be like to take a degree in a particular subject or by building up knowledge and exposure towards their target degree programme.

For younger students, many of the international summer camps are offering fun activities and the chance to acquire new skills while making new friends in a virtual environment.

This year we are particularly excited about courses that offer students the opportunity to get remote work experience in engineering, medicine, investment banking, architecture and law. We are also looking at courses that focus on the creative arts and work with students to put together a portfolio of work to submit with their university applications.

For many students the summer offers an opportunity to consolidate much of the learning that they have been doing remotely this year. It is a valuable time to make sure that all the concepts have been understood and are firmly established, ready to move onto the next academic year.

For many students this summer needs to be fun after a gruelling year of disruption and uncertainty. Learning how to be a film director, taking a robotics, cooking, or art course or discovering how to use Minecraft to solve engineering problems can be a bit of light relief to fill the long summer break.

Carfax Education offers unparalleled support in planning the perfect summer for your children. Our experts know the intricacies of the world’s best summer camps, schools, and university programmes. Let us know what your expectations for the summer are, and we will do the rest. We start by providing you with a hand-picked list of options and once you have chosen your favourites, we can handle registration, support documents, communication with the establishment, and even guardianship whilst a child is at a camp or school. We specialize in British, Swiss, American, French, and German establishments, providing comprehensive advice and support every step of the way.

If you have any questions about summer 2021 or would like to have a chat with our summer course experts, please drop us an email:


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