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Year 12 - Now Is The Time To Start Thinking About University

It's never too early to begin thinking about university! If you are currently in Year 12, it is worth reflecting that by this time next year your university applications should have already been submitted. Furthermore, if you are applying to Oxford University or Cambridge University, or wish to study Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Dentistry, the application deadline for 2024 entry is 15 October 2023 - only 9 months away! At this point, finishing school and starting university may seem a long way off, but the time will pass very quickly - so we advise you to use this time wisely and take advantage of the remainder of this academic year to do lots of research so you can make confident choices when the time comes.

If you are considering University, these are some of the big questions you should be thinking about : What to study? There are many things to consider when thinking about which degree to study and not just the subject matter. Degree content varies from university to university, so it’s important to consider what you want to learn as part of your course. Would you consider combining areas of interest and do a joint honours degree? Would you prefer a course with a year out? Would you like a university that offers a year in industry? Where to study?

You also need to think about where you want to study. Are you drawn to a big university in the bright city lights with a large and social student population? Or would you prefer somewhere smaller and more personal? Are you more of a ‘roll out of bed and into a lecture,’ living on campus type of a student? Or are you happy to live further away and travel to the campus everyday? Universities vary hugely in size, scale, facilities and location, there are wonderful old universities and amazing modern ones. If you are going to spend three of the most formative years of your life there it is important to find the right fit!

Our Top Tips

Build a strong profile

It's incredibly important to build a strong personal profile - one that will support your university application and give you a competitive advantage. Attending a summer school or taking part in extra curricular activities that are either relevant to your future degree or bolsters your skillset will look great on your personal statement. These experiences will boost your confidence and give you skills that will be invaluable at university. You can also consider internships or volunteering opportunities over the coming summer, which can give you a valuable insight into what you may want to do in the future and help you acquire some additional skills. Carfax Education have a ‘Summer School Specialist’ who can consult and guide you - Please click here to book a discovery call today. Attend University Open Days

One of the key benefits to beginning university preparation in Year 12, is the chance to visit universities. Whether on an open day or an individual visit, Carfax are very experienced at planning a week of university visits for our families, so everyone can experience a taste of what it would be like to study there. Check Additional Entry Requirements

It is important to check if the course you are considering has any additional entry requirements. For example, Medicine will require you to take either the UKCAT or BMAT tests. Law courses at some universities expect LNAT scores. If you have to take a pre-test then look into getting some test prep so you can be fully prepared. You only get to take these tests once in every application cycle so you need to get the best scores possible! By the time you start Year 13 you should be fully prepared for making your UCAS application with a clear idea of what you want to study, a shortlist of universities that offer the course, an understanding of what the entry requirements are and any additional tests scores that you will need. Take note of our top tips, and you will be in a strong position to get your UCAS application well underway and be ahead of the crowd, then you can get back to focusing on the real issue – getting great exam results! The process can be overwhelming and it can be useful to speak to an outside mentor about your desires and academic goals - have some guidance on the choices best suited for you. We have a dedicated University team at Carfax Consultants that can support prospective undergraduates through the University application process. We normally start with an initial consultation and our Higher Education student profiling service, which helps to identify the best fit degrees and universities for you. For more information, please click here to contact us.


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